Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Basildon District Be a Disciple to Make a Disciple



This homework page is for club member with ID GU002

This homework page is to help both parents and pathfinder to keep up with the homework schedule.

Failure to complete homework in a satisfactory manner could mean exemption from club actvities and/or NOT getting invested.

Note:  All scriptures which are to be memorised must be kept fresh in your heads throughout the year.  You will be asked to recite them randomly at any given time throughout the year

No.     Date                Description                                  Due Date          Date Completed Status      
 011  27/09/2014  Reseaerch on the Pioneers - see workbook  04/10/2014  04/10/2014 Submitted
 010  27/09/2014  Learn the AY Legion  04/10/2014  11/10/2014  LATE
 009  12/07/2014  Study Nature and write your own Parable   26/07/2014  INCOMPLETE  LATE
 008  06/07/2014  Purchase a 4 Binder/ring Folder  12/07/2014  04/10/2014  LATE
 007  19/04/2014  Commit to Memory 1 Tim. 2:15  12/07/2014  04/10/2014  LATE
 006  19/04/2014   Commit to Memory Matt. 4:19  12/07/2014  04/10/2014  LATE
 005  19/04/2014   Commit to Memory Heb. 11:3  21/06/2014  04/10/2014  LATE
 004  19/04/2014   Commit to Memory Matt. 21:22  21/06/2014  04/10/2014  LATE
 003  19/04/2014   Commit to Memory Matt. 11:28-30  14/06/2014  04/10/2014  LATE
 002  19/04/2014    Commit to Memory Isa. 58:13  14/06/2014  04/10/2014  LATE
 001  19/04/2014   Commit to Memory Rom. 8:28  17/05/2014  04/10/2014  LATE